Fortran modules =============== Compilation ----------- Requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS * `gfortran` (used version 7.5) * `libnetcdf` for Fortran. More info at: These can be installed in Ubuntu using: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt-get install gfortran sudo apt-get install libnetcdff-dev How to compile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Using gfortran and linking the netcdf library (which is the most tricky part). This command will compile everything, but please look at both the `examples/` and the `src/libswamif/` scripts for more details. .. code-block:: bash SRC='src/libswamif' gfortran -c $SRC/dtm2020_F107_Kp-subr_MCM.f90 $SRC/dtm2020_sigma_function.f90 \ $SRC/m_dtm.f90 $SRC/m_interp.f90 $SRC/m_um.f90 $SRC/m_mcm.f90 \ `nf-config --fflags --flibs` -Wall -pedantic -Warray-bounds -fbacktrace A more complex setup would be: .. code-block:: bash # path to the source code SRC='src/libswamif' # flags for gfortran FLAGS='-Wall -pedantic -Warray-bounds -fbacktrace' # for the netcdff library L_NETCDF=$(nf-config --fflags --flibs) # for the interpolation module M_INTERP="$SRC/m_interp.f90" # for the UM module M_UM="$SRC/m_um.f90 $M_INTERP $L_NETCDF" # for the DTM module M_DTM="$SRC/dtm2020_F107_Kp-subr_MCM.f90 $SRC/dtm2020_sigma_function.f90 $SRC/m_dtm.f90" # for the MCM module M_MCM="$M_UM $M_DTM $SRC/m_mcm.f90" gfortran $M_MCM How to use ---------- In your fortran program, use the `use` statement to load the module. There are three modules with their most important functions. More details on the units, the valid ranges and the definition in :ref:`Fortran interface` It is important to call the `init_` subroutine at the beginning of the program. It will load the required constants and keep them in memory throughtout the whole execution. Fortran interface ----------------- m_mcm: MOWA Climatological Model (MCM) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This module contains routines related to the MCM model, which combines the DTM (thermosphere) and the UM (lower atmosphere) to have a `MOdel of the Whole Atmosphere` .. code-block:: fortran call init_mcm(path_to_data_um, path_to_data_dtm) call get_mcm_dens(dens, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_mcm_temp(temp, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_mcm(mcm_out, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) .. f:autosubroutine:: m_mcm/init_mcm .. f:autosubroutine:: m_mcm/get_mcm_dens .. f:autosubroutine:: m_mcm/get_mcm_temp .. f:autosubroutine:: m_mcm/get_mcm Derived type ``t_mcm_out`` * **dens** *[real]*: Total density (in gram/cm3) * **temp** *[real]*: Temperature at altitude (K) * **wmm** *[real]*: Mean molecular mass (in gram) * **d_H** *[real]*: Partial density of atomic hydrogen (in gram/cm3) * **d_He** *[real]*: Partial density of helium * **d_O** *[real]*: Partial density of atomic oxygen * **d_N2** *[real]*: Partial density of molecular nitrogen * **d_O2** *[real]*: Partial density of molecular oxygen * **d_N** *[real]*: Partial density of atomic nitrogen * **tinf** *[real]*: Exospheric temperature, in K * **dens_unc** *[real]*: Density uncertainty from DTM2020 (above 120 km), as a percentage * **dens_std** *[real]*: Standard deviation of the density (UM, below 100 km), in g/cm3 * **temp_std** *[real]*: Standard deviation of the temperature (UM, below 100 km), in K * **xwind** *[real]*: Zonal wind, in m/s * **ywind** *[real]*: Meridional wind, m/s * **xwind_std** *[real]*: Standard deviation of zonal wind, in m/s * **ywind_std** *[real]*: Standard deviation of neridional wind, m/s m_dtm: Drag Temperature Model (DTM) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This module contains routines related to the DTM2020 model. Go to :ref:`Drag Temperature Model (DTM2020)`) for some theoretical details about the model. .. code-block:: fortran call init_dtm2020(path_to_data_dtm_file) call get_dtm2020(dens, temp, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_dtm2020_dens_uncertainty(dens_unc, temp, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) .. f:autosubroutine:: m_dtm/init_dtm2020 .. f:autosubroutine:: m_dtm/get_dtm2020 .. f:autosubroutine:: m_dtm/get_dtm2020_dens_uncertainty Parameter ``DTM2020_DATA_FILENAME`` (*character*) is ``"DTM_2020_F107_Kp.dat"`` Derived type ``t_dtm_out`` * **dens** *[real]*: Total density (in gram/cm3) * **temp** *[real]*: Temperature at altitude (K) * **wmm** *[real]*: Mean molecular mass (in gram) * **d_H** *[real]*: Partial density of atomic hydrogen (in gram/cm3) * **d_He** *[real]*: Partial density of helium * **d_O** *[real]*: Partial density of atomic oxygen * **d_N2** *[real]*: Partial density of molecular nitrogen * **d_O2** *[real]*: Partial density of molecular oxygen * **d_N** *[real]*: Partial density of atomic nitrogen * **tinf** *[real]*: Exospheric temperature, in K * **dens_unc** *[real]*: Density uncertainty from DTM2020 (above 120 km), as a percentage m_um: Unified Model (UM) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This module contains routines related to the UM model. Go to :ref:`Unified Model (UM)`) for some theoretical details about the model. .. code-block:: fortran call init_um(path_to_data_um) call get_um_dens(dens, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_um_temp(temp, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_um_xwind(xwind, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_um_ywind(ywind, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_um_dens_standard_deviation(dens_std, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_um_temp_standard_deviation(temp_std, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_um_xwind_standard_deviation(xwind_std, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) call get_um_ywind_standard_deviation(ywind_std, alti, lati, long, loct, doy, f107, f107m, kps(2)) .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/init_um .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_dens .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_temp .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_xwind .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_ywind .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_dens_standard_deviation .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_temp_standard_deviation .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_xwind_standard_deviation .. f:autosubroutine:: m_um/get_um_ywind_standard_deviation